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000037_owner-lightwave-l _Fri Feb 3 04:20:18 1995.msg
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From: "Henrik Bengtsson" <HENRIK@utb.shv.hb.se>
Organization: University of Boras
To: "Adam E Newham" <newhama@zeus.swindon.rtsg.mot.com>,
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 08:32:13 MET-1MEST
Subject: Re: Lightwave on PC ?
Priority: normal
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Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
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> >From some messages I have been reading on the list, it appears that Lightwave
> has been released/available on the PC. Are these versions pre-release or can
> I actually go out and buy Lightwave PC yet. If the later is true I would
> grateful if someone could answer some of the following.
> * How much will/is it be, and as I'm in the UK, who may I buy it from.
$900 i think.
> * Is there a demo version on disk/video tape I may download/aquire ?
According to NewTek the Demo will be released AFTER the main release.
> * Is there any Tech support for a UK user if I do buy it ?
Should be. But since I'm not in the UK I can't really tell. =)
> * What amount of memory is required as a minimum and the recommended ammount
> ?
Also according to NewTek you should be ok with 8 megs but as with all
Windows things the more you got is better. I'd suggest 16-32 megs.
> * Are there any benchmark figures for comparing against Real 3d/3d Studio or
> other common modelling software.
Not yet.
> * List of features available on the PC version.
Same as the other versions i think.
> Many thanks in advance.
De nada.
Be well all,
Henrik Bengtsson
System Administrator
Dep. Of Comp. Sci and Business Administration.
UCoB (University College of Bor}s)